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ホーム: SmashZoom,

Smash Poodle Online-Toshi Omura/
​大村 敏記


Smash Poodle / Toshi Omura's online seminar and community

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All SmashOnline products

is the collection by Toshinori Omura himself used and confirmed.

Any groomer from students to professional can buy convenient products at reasonable prices with excellent quality here.


​Guide to sharpening scissors

If you would like to arrange sharpening, please visit Pig Scissors' website directly for details.


ホーム: Scissors Box

How to Join Smash Zoom

1. 1. For smartphones, download the Zoom app

2. 2. PC users can join automatically by clicking the detailed link.

3. 3. It usually opens 30 minutes before the start, so if you are new to the venue, please enter early. If you have difficulty entering, please contact us using the form below before you start. It will not be possible to respond after 15 minutes before the start.

4. The session will be a webinar, not a meeting. Please note that participants' microphones and videos will be initially turned off. If you have any questions, you can also use the "Raise your hand" icon, Q & A, or chat.

5. Please register your name and email address when entering Zoom.

ホーム: SmashZoom参加方法

Toshinori Omura

Toy Poodle Breeder (Smash Poodle Dog House)

FCI International All Breed Jury

Professional handler, groomer

EGA (European Grooming Association) Official Jury

ホーム: 大村敏記について


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